Who Am I?

When I started my Pilates Journey, I wanted a six pack. I heard it was “all about the abs”, and I wanted mine. It didn’t take long for me to realize, that Pilates is so much more! Strength with Stretch and Control is how good ole Joe Pilates spoke about the method he created back in the 1940’s. And still today with adaptations, interpretations and modifications, Pilates still remains a solid method of, dare I say, exercise. Because again, it’s so much more.

Pilates with solid nutrition and cardiovascular training can give you that six pack if that is your goal. But more importantly, Pilates will strengthen your body and prepare you to do anything you like to do better! Do you Run? Run Better! Do you Cycle? Cycle Better! Do you Hike? Hike Better! Do you Breathe? Sit? Better! Better! And that last one is not a joke. We all sit more, hunch more, slouch more. It’s our world in the 21st century. And with all that sitting, we hurt more. Our low backs compress, our shoulders round, our necks crane forward. We are creating dysfunction in our bodies which is not meant to be there. Pilates is the antidote! I’ve often referred to it as the “gateway drug to fitness”. Because once you start moving with control and purpose, you will find yourself ready to go for that run, hike or bike ride. You will want to be healthier and make healthier choices that are right for you.

What I discovered in my search for the perfect abs, was that Pilates helped me develop a body awareness that made every aspect of my life BETTER! My posture improved, my runs got longer and faster, and my overall body functions more efficiently. Oh and my abs got stronger! At 56 it’s harder to maintain that six pack, but hey we keep striving forward!

So who am I and what kind of a trainer will I be for you? Let me first say what I am not. I am not an ex-dancer with super stretchy hamstrings. I am not a drill sergeant who will make you feel bad about yourself. I am not perfect. Who I am, is you doing Pilates. A person who knows it’s not always easy. So let’s do this together! Let’s not look back at where we were, or even where we are at this moment. Let’s move forward and into the lives we want to live. Lives with less pain, more function, and of course, some pretty strong abdominals!